This is the schedule for the 2023-24 YPP year. Links to the labs themselves are included where applicable.

Meeting Date Lab Faculty Speaker
October, 2023 Momentum and energy- can't stop us now! Liang Yang
November, 2023 Eggs Away! A lesson in "impulsive" habits, which include throwing eggs off of large buildings into cleverly designed protective devices Tzer Han Tan
January, 2024 Angular momentum makes the world go round! TBD
March, 2024 Shocking facts about electrostatics Mattia Serra
April, 2024 Twinkle twinkle LED: Wearable Circuit Lab Alex Groisman
May, 2024 Making Waves: Optics and Strings Philbert Tsai
June, 2024 Lab tours! TBD

An archive of old (and current) labs can be found here.